With the ideal of closure, the cut-off pressure, the precise time or turn-off angle inverter control equipment to ensure reliable operation. 具有理想的截流、截压、精确的关断时间或逆变角控制,保证设备可靠运行。
The cut-off time for the withholding persons to release the tax shall be implemented in accordance with the above-mentioned two paragraphs. 扣缴义务人解缴税款的期限,依照前两款的规定执行。
For the bottom of the boilers not set cut-off gate of hydraulic generator, common inside guiding wheel is difficult to meet their long running time of need. 对于炉底未设液压关断门的机组,普通内导轮难以满足其长周期安全运行的需要。
NOTE: Runners who have not reached the finish area by the race cut-off time should immediately stop running and exit the main road. 注意:参赛者在限定的比赛时间内没有到达终点,请立即结束比赛并退出主路。
If you pay after the cut-off time, it will bear the interest rate of the following working day. 而在每天截数时间后购买的储税券,则会以下一个工作天的利率计算利息。
Delivery cut-off time: 18 hours prior to truck departure. 中转货交付截止时间:卡车出发前18小时。
Payments effected after the daily cut-off time of your selected payment service will be recorded as received on the following working day. 在所选用的付款服务机构的每天截数时间后缴交的款额,会列为下一个工作天的缴款。
Enter your orders before the4 PM cut-off time and your orders will be executed on the same day. 在下午四时截止时间前作出买卖指令,你的买卖指令便可在同一日内执行。
If the stamping application is made on the stamping deadline but payment is made after the days cut-off time, will there be penalty? 如在加盖印花限期当日递交了加盖印花申请,但款项却在当日截数时间之后缴付,那么是否会引致罚款?
In handling the matters referred to in the preceding paragraph, unless it can prove that the investor submitted the order before the cut-off time, the master agent or sub-distributor may not arbitrarily diverge therefrom. 总代理人及销售机构办理前项业务,除能证明投资人系于受理截止时间前提出申请者外,不得任意更改。
If the cut-off value of the cervical length was ≥ 30 mm, the parturient induction time was 9.8 h, and the cesarean section rate was 34.7%; 当宫颈长度≤30mm时,平均临产时间为9.8h,剖宫产率为34.7%;
Based on the analysis of deficiency of cut-off point algorithm, the author also brings forward the review-period scheduling model which can build up initial broadcast and dynamically adjust the contents of broadcast with the elapse of time. 另外,作者在分析了分离点调度算法不足的基础上,提出了考察周期调度模型,有效的解决了最初广播的建立以及随时间变化动态调整广播内容的问题。
The experimental results suggest different ideas from the conventional view on the effect of cut-off time. 根据实验结果,对切断时间的控制效果提出了与以往经验不同的看法。
Conclusion It is safe and reliable to cut off the pedicle through thinning it by stages and sections, and the pedicle cut-off time can be shortened. 结论分期分段结扎缩窄蒂部法简便易行,安全可靠,可以缩短皮瓣断蒂时间。
One-dimensional water-hammer problems of closed the valve and cut-off flow. the lattice gas automation which discrete time, space and fluid completely are given. 给出一维关阀断流水锤问题的时间、空间、流体完全离散的格子气自动机。
HGJ-800 pipe cut-off machine, which is used in a long-pipe hot rolling line, and can short cut-off time and has less pollution and safer working, is described. 介绍一种适于热轧长钢管生产线使用、锯管时间较短、环境污染小和使用安全的HGJ-800型钢管锯断机。
The paper discusses a developed equivalent circuit model and the characteristic parameters of switching MESFET, such as the impedances of high and low impedance states, intrinsic cut-off frequency, intrinsic switching time and power-handling capability. 本文讨论了一种改进后的开关MESFET等效电路模型,介绍了器件的高、低阻抗态阻抗、本征截止频率、本征开关时间和功率容量等特征参数的分析计算方法。
The instrument has such merits as transmission of large quantities of current, short cut-off time and great exploration depth. 该仪器具有发送电流大、关断时间短、勘探深度大等优点。